Hollycroft Primary School



Our policy aims to provide consistency and structure, within which the children can feel secure and know very clearly our expectations of excellent behaviour from them. It is designed to consistently reward good behaviour and support all children to make the right choices about their behaviour enabling them to work, learn and play together in a positive way.






We will explicitly teach what each of these rules mean in practice and what good behaviours look like. To encourage the children to follow these rules the school will praise and reward good behaviour. Consequences will be given when these rules are not followed.

Rewards will be given in class for positive behaviours and the class working well together. These are to be decided by the class teacher and the class, for example, the class teacher may want to reward children being helpful to each other. The means of recording that may be Class DOJO points recorded on the computer or marbles in a jar (i.e. upon observing kindness by one child to another, the class teacher will praise the good behaviour and award the whole class a marble in a jar for the child’s good behaviour). Upon being awarded a predetermined number of DOJO points or marbles (e.g. 30) the class may earn a reward of their choosing (e.g. 15 mins reward time, show and tell, watching a short film/ programme or extra playtime). These rewards should be given once each half term if earned.

Diamond awards and Star awards are presented in each class during the weekly awards assembly, for consistently following the Diamond Rules, trying hard with work or a notable achievement that week.

Values Tokens

Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour, and live the values of the school. Values tokens will be given out by all staff which will then be collected within the classroom to generate a class collection each week. These are then transferred to a central point to generate a FS/KS1year group/KS2 class winner at the end of each term. The winning year group will receive a reward through collaboration with their teachers, e.g. extra play time. One pupil who has shown the value of the month will be nominated per class by the teacher and / or class, who will receive a certificate in whole school assembly at the end of the month. In addition one child is selected to receive the end of the year values trophy for each year group. These trophies form part of the central values display area and are an important element of the legacy that the school creates.

Reward Appropriate behaviour in the playground and dining hall is recognised by adults verbally praising the child / children and naming the value shown in a positive way. It will also be rewarded through the use of ‘Values Tokens’. This can be reported to class teachers so that it can be celebrated. All staff and Lunch Time Monitors are to award Values Tokens for positive behaviour.

If a child has followed the school rules each week they will get a stamp on a behaviour award chart.  

10 stamps/stickers = bronze award

10 further stamps/stickers = silver award

15 further stamps/stickers = gold award 

Lunchtime Golden ticket awards are given weekly to  children across the school for consistently following the Diamond Rules at lunchtimes.

Happy Lunchtimes

To ensure positive praise at lunchtimes Hollycroft school will be following ‘Happy lunchtimes’.

The Zone – an area of playground known as ‘The Zone’. Each day a different activity takes place, drawn from a wide range of activities designed to appeal to differing ‘styles’ of play.

The Zone is supervised by staff who will determine each day’s activity.  They will ensure the rules are known and respected.

The Zone is designed to be inclusive – a place where everybody is welcome to come and play.

The Zone is designed to embed ‘novelty’ into the playground offering. 

Happy Lunchtime awards:

Pom Poms.  Staff award poms poms freely for positive behaviour during lunchtime.  Pom poms are collected and the winning year group are awarded the golden lunchbox at each weekly awards assembly.  The Golden lunchbox is full of exciting rewards that the class can choose. Pupil voice created all of the rewards.

Gold award

All of our children are working hard to achieve a gold medal at the end of the year.