Hollycroft Primary School


School Information

The School Day

School Times


Doors Open                     8:45am

Registration Closes      9:00am

Break                                 10:40am to 11:00am 

Lunchtime                       12:00pm to 1:00pm

Afternoon Session        1:00pm to 3:15pm 

Home Time                     3:15pm

32.5 hours a week


Children should enter school through the main gate that leads to the playground and then enter the Foundation stage playground where they will be greeted by staff when the doors open at 8.45 am. They will be released to parents/carers into the play area at the end of the school day. Please ensure the class teacher knows who will be collecting your child.  Please see your individual timetable in your induction pack for the first two weeks.

KS1 (Y1, Y2) & KS2 (Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6) 

Children should enter school through the main gate that leads to the playground and then Children should come into school through the classroom door on the playground at the back of the school. They will be welcomed into class by staff when the doors open at 8.45 am. They will be released to parents/carers via this door at the end of the day, 3.15pm. Please ensure the class teacher knows who is collecting your child.

Teachers are in their classrooms to supervise children from 8.45 am each morning. Staff will be on duty at this time, but not before. We expect children to be in their classrooms ready to start by 9.00am. After this time gates onto the playground will be locked. Children arriving after 9.00am should enter school through the main reception.

Late Collection

If you are delayed in collecting your child, please inform the school office so that we can ensure your child is reassured until you arrive.

After School Activities

If your child is participating in after school activities, they should be collected from the relevant area of the school at the appropriate time. Please enter the building via the front office. Please also ensure the adult leading the activity knows who will be collecting your child.

Illness, Absence & Punctuality

It is the legal responsibility of parents to ensure their child attends school regularly and absence from school should not be permitted without good reason. Regular attendance at school enables children to cope more easily with school routines and work, thereby making learning more satisfying and ensuring greater progress both socially and academically.

If your child is unwell please inform us by 9.00am on the first day of absence by ringing the school. It is our policy to follow up any unexplained absences immediately.

Please ensure your child arrives on time - even the odd ten minutes or so lateness soon adds up to a lot of missed work.

Leave of absence

In line with the Government’s amendments holidays during term time will NOT be authorised. The Headteacher and Governors have determined that: 

Where leave of absence in term time is due to exceptional circumstances, an application form must be requested from the school office and submitted for consideration, no less than 4 weeks prior to the requested date.

Pupil Premium entitlement

Families of children in full-time education may be entitled to pupil premium funding. For further information and to find out if you qualify please see enclosed leaflet, further information is on our website.

The entitlement will include half price school uniform, reduction on the cost of school trips and on-going academic support.

School Dinners

All children in Foundation, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to a free school dinner. 

KS2 dinners cost £2.40 each day. 

School Uniform

The school colours are red and black with a white polo top and our governors recommend that all children wear the uniform, as it helps our children take pride in their school. All of our school uniform can be purchased online from our uniform supplier giving parents the benefit of paying online with credit/debit cards and having this delivered to home at a charge or to the school for free.

Parking and Safety

Please drive and park safely around school.  Parents should not park or walk across the car park at any time, unless parking in the disabled bay. Children are not permitted to walk through the car park at any time.

We do our best to arrange deliveries at times other than the beginning and end of the school day but there are occasions when vehicles do need access at these times.

Please remain considerate of local residents and do not block their driveways. Always ensure you park in a way that the bus and parents with pushchairs can get past safely.

Please do not park on the yellow zig-zag lines in front of the school gate.

Please do not allow children to ride bikes and scooters onto the playground.

Administration of Medicines

Prescribed medication will only be administered by staff if clear written instructions to do so have been given by parents or carers and the school has indicated that it is able to do so. Forms can be obtained from the school office. Please note that staff are acting voluntarily in administering prescribed medicines.

School staff will not administer non-prescribed medication. Topical treatments such as creams for minor conditions can be self administered with written permission from parents or carers. Parents and carers are welcome to come to school to administer other non prescription medicines to their child if their child is well enough to be at school.

Please insure all your child’s medical needs and information are filled in on the school admission form. If you have any worries or concerns, please see a member of staff or ask for the details of our school nurse.

Our school has several First Aiders who in event of a fall or a bump will attend to your child. Recordable incidents will be written in our accident book and where necessary parents will be informed via a first aid note.


We are a non smoking site and smoking is not permitted anywhere in the school buildings or grounds.


Dogs, other than guide dogs, are not permitted in the school buildings or grounds.

Other Information

  • Milk is provided free for all children aged under 5. We have enclosed a leaflet explaining how to register your child to receive milk. Parents have to apply online each term it is free until the term your child turns five. After that parents can pay for their child to have milk every day.
  • All children in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free piece of fruit each day. Please read the information leaflet.
  • We encourage children to keep hydrated by drinking water regularly. Please send a named water bottle every day (no juice or squash)
  • To prevent your child’s clothing from getting lost please name everything. Clothes that are labelled with your child’s name are much easier to track down.
  • We appreciate that toileting accidents do happen and so we have a small supply of spare clothes. If your child has an accident and borrows our spare clothes please wash them and return as soon as possible.

If you still have any unanswered questions, please look on the school website or speak to a member of staff.